Importance of ACT

What is the ACT?
The ACT is a college entrance exam which contains four multiple-choice tests-English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science- and an optional Writing Test. These tests are designed to measure skills that are most important for success in post-secondary education and that are acquired in secondary education. The score range for each of the four multiple-choice tests is 1-36. The Composite score is the average of the four test scores rounded to the nearest whole number.
Why Is The ACT Important?
The Tennessee Department of Education requires the ACT test to meet graduation requirements. College may require a specific ACT score to take dual enrollment course.
Colleges require a college entrance exam to determine admission, placement, and scholarship opportunities. High ACT Scores may provide more scholarship opportunities.
The ACT College Readiness Benchmarks are the minimum ACT scores required for students to have a probability of success in credit-bearing college courses. Students who meet a benchmark on the ACT have approximately a 50 percent chance of earning a "B" or better and approximately a 75 percent chance of earning a "C" or better in the corresponding college course. See Table below:
ACT Readiness Benchmarks
ACT Test Score Comparable College Course ACT Benchmark
English English Composition I 18
Math College Algebra 22
Reading American History 22
Science Biology 23
Did you know?
ACT Test scores are accepted by all four-year US colleges/universities
The ACT is administered on seven national test dates each year, plus additional state and district testing dates
The ACT is more than a college placement exam. It includes an educational and career planning section, as well as a career interest inventory.
Important Resources
Students may retake the ACT to increase their test scores. Please talk to your school counselor to discuss when to take the ACT and how to register for the ACT. Visit for registration, test-taking tips, and more. Visit ACT Academy, a free on-line prep test tool, sponsored by ACT. Also visit Test-Prep E Book, published by ACT. Please visit Facebook and Twitter Links for up-to-date ACT News and Tips.
The ACT is a college entrance exam which contains four multiple-choice tests-English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science- and an optional Writing Test. These tests are designed to measure skills that are most important for success in post-secondary education and that are acquired in secondary education. The score range for each of the four multiple-choice tests is 1-36. The Composite score is the average of the four test scores rounded to the nearest whole number.
Why Is The ACT Important?
The Tennessee Department of Education requires the ACT test to meet graduation requirements. College may require a specific ACT score to take dual enrollment course.
Colleges require a college entrance exam to determine admission, placement, and scholarship opportunities. High ACT Scores may provide more scholarship opportunities.
The ACT College Readiness Benchmarks are the minimum ACT scores required for students to have a probability of success in credit-bearing college courses. Students who meet a benchmark on the ACT have approximately a 50 percent chance of earning a "B" or better and approximately a 75 percent chance of earning a "C" or better in the corresponding college course. See Table below:
ACT Readiness Benchmarks
ACT Test Score Comparable College Course ACT Benchmark
English English Composition I 18
Math College Algebra 22
Reading American History 22
Science Biology 23
Did you know?
ACT Test scores are accepted by all four-year US colleges/universities
The ACT is administered on seven national test dates each year, plus additional state and district testing dates
The ACT is more than a college placement exam. It includes an educational and career planning section, as well as a career interest inventory.
Important Resources
Students may retake the ACT to increase their test scores. Please talk to your school counselor to discuss when to take the ACT and how to register for the ACT. Visit for registration, test-taking tips, and more. Visit ACT Academy, a free on-line prep test tool, sponsored by ACT. Also visit Test-Prep E Book, published by ACT. Please visit Facebook and Twitter Links for up-to-date ACT News and Tips.